Given the wide range of programming languages and alder every day and help them to user needs a good assistant for editing text and code is a vital and urgent need. According to many users of text editors for coding of its use, so the fact that a good editor is a programmer that is half the power of scripting code to And by the way much faster standards to achieve its goals and saves your time. If you are looking to get the best text editor we'll give you HippoEdit. This editor is a simple and elegant style of the windows is. Modern user interface, various interface designs without the need for browser and file browser, smart text editor functions for integration tools. It's grammar and syntax of many languages including PHP, HTML, Perl, Java, Pascal, C / C + +, XML, XSLT supports. Other languages and you can also add files by connecting the programming language syntax, it added. To facilitate the text editing with more than 300 recipes HippoEdit planning is integrated with the keyboard shortcuts. Search and Replace features and capabilities in support of Kdyng·hay text from the text editor. An overview of the software HippoEdit comes to the conclusion that the main part of HippoEdit text editor and source code analysis, code optimization is. The editor for both new users and experienced users use. Highly customizable user interface to the current programming language. Package of words that will help you to see the text do not need to scroll to other features of the editor. You can quickly book names in your text to find unknown brands. Mark lines can be edited and saved to help you not to forget your changes. Number of jagged lines of code to help you perform better and faster coding. This editor is simple and can be the best assistant for you at the same time with new users and experienced users.
Features HippoEdit:
- The user interface is simple and easy
- Support for programming languages
- Ability to add new languages to program syntax files
- Supports more than 300 integrated commands
- Save Automatically Document
- Trim trailing spaces in lines
- Full support for mouse scroll
- You can use any type and size of font
- Points proposed by code
- Supports various Kdyng·hay
- With drop-down menus to save, paste, find, copy, cut
- Open automatically on typing the first code word list
- Automatic indenting of code text
- Supports any type of cursive
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